
Repositório das palestras/videos que assistimos no #cinelab

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Histórico de Sessões da Cinelab

Repositório das palestras/videos que assistimos no #cinelab

Data Título Autorx Evento
15 de Janeiro de 2020 Facilitative Leadership: Guiding Teams To Success Alissa Briggs WebExpo 2019
14 de Agosto de 2019 The secrets data won't tell you Vicki Tan Nordic.design 2018
31 de Julho de 2019 Let's build a web framework - Part 2 Jacob Kaplan Moss PyCon 2017
10 de Julho de 2019 Let's build a web framework - Part 1 Jacob Kaplan Moss PyCon 2017
19 de Junho de 2019 O Fim da Internet André Staltz BrazilJS Conf 2017
05 de Junho de 2019 JS UX: Writing code for humans Lea Verou BrazilJS Conf 2016
23 de Maio de 2018 Raising the Game: Challenges and Opportunities on Maturing UX in Organizations Veronica Zammito ILA 2018
16 de Maio de 2019 PyCon 2019 Keynote Russell Keith-Magee PyCon 2019
02 de Maio de 2019 Technical debt isn't technical Einar W. Høst NDC Conferences 2018
04 de Abril de 2019 The Future of Programming "Uncle" Bob Martin Skills Matter 2016
21 de Março de 2019 Mobile, Social, and Fashion: Three Stories from Data-Driven Design Ranjitha Kumar Stanford Seminar 2018
27 de Fevereiro de 2019 Zebras all the way down Bryan Cantrill Code & Supply's Uptime Conference 2017
12 de Fevereiro de 2019 Simple made easy Rich Hickey InfoQ
22 de Janeiro de 2019 The economics of Software Design J.B. Rainsberger DevTernity 2018


Sugestões para as próximas sessões do #CINELAB

  1. Tragic Design - Cynthia Savard (2017) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbkO5YVI4HM&t=93s
  2. Work Culture Feijoada: 9 elements of innovation - Andrew Kaufteil (2017) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWddyfSbAho Designing a highly creative and productive work culture looks easy, but is actually hard work. In this talk, I will explain my transition from more traditional workplaces, like law firms and universities, to an innovative one. Using Cooper as a case study, I will explore nine steps you can take to create a culture of innovation at your organization.
  3. Nudges: Influencing User behavior - Russel Parrish (2017) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vlNzSbVopM
  4. Kim Goodwin's keynote at ILA18, "Bring Back Human-Centered" (2018) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPjWcuZF_gE
  5. Rama Gheerawo's keynote at ILA18, "Design to Make a Difference: inclusive design and interactions" (2018) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9Qhzt1xGVc (6 e 7 são parecidas, talvez escolher entre elas. não assisti nenhuma das duas completa)
  6. Dave Malouf's keynote at ILA18, "DesignOps: Getting your team to great through operations" (2018) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee-VER8208M Essa é sobre ter uma pessoa com um cargo focado em enfiar cultura de design goela abaixo no business.
  7. Michael Jackson (sério): Never Write Another HoC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcVAq3YFiuc Fala sobre a história dos HoCs e quais são (e como são resolvidos) os grandes problemas desse padrão de design de componentes
  8. Nothins is Something - Sandi Metz - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMPfEXIlTVE
  9. The End Of Object Inheritance & The Beginning Of A New Modularity - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MNVP9-hglc