
where to start?

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Hi, is there a guide to using this part of the code? I don't know which code to start with. I want to build a unisensory model that is similar to this paper (''Causal inference accounts for heading perception in the presence of object motion''). But I have lost my way in calculating the posterior probability and the model structure......

Hi yvesyyh - the code for the log-likelihoods is in the visvest-causinf/VestBMS_ModelWork/private/ folder. Specifically, unisensory models for left/right decisions are represented by this function:
(but there is not much model structure for unisensory part).

I am only vaguely familiar with the paper you mention, so perhaps you could email Kalpana Dokka (first author of that study, and my co-author in this one); she might be able to answer specific questions or even provide code specifically for that paper.