
Importing Bourbon - File to import not found or unreadable: bourbon.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Running "sass:dev" (sass) task
screen shot 2014-02-20 at 3 41 45 pm

After following all instruction vigorously I still come across this error. I am using grunt-contrib-sass and have applied the changes outlined in the read me. I am running grunt locally in a template in joomla on an amazon s3 server.

Would you mind pasting in your Grunt config for Sass? I will try to reproduce the error.

screen shot 2014-02-21 at 8 02 52 am

Sorry for the inconvenience I wasnt using loadPath correctly. It works now...

screen shot 2014-02-21 at 8 06 11 am
I was only using the loadPath call in the 'dist' segment of the sass statement... and needed to do the same for the 'dev' segment. Case closed I guess... Thanks for your reply.

No problem, glad it's working for you. As a side note, node-neat automatically looks for node-bourbon and includes its load path, so if you're using Neat then you only need to load from node-neat in the config.