
More Specific Instructions on Format of Data Dictionary Needed

bnleff opened this issue · 2 comments

I am trying to explore my own data set with burro, but am having trouble setting up a data dictionary to work. I have set up an excel sheet with two columns (one labeled variableNames containing the labels I want to show and one with the actual variable names). When running this code chunk

explore_data(dataset = bnsplay, data_dictionary = data_dict)

the burro app loads fine, but the data dictionary does not show up. When I stop the app, the following error messages show up.
Screen Shot 2019-08-13 at 2 24 42 PM

Is there a specific way to format the excel sheet besides just a column named "variableNames" or is the problem in the way I am trying to load up the burro app entirely? Also, is the variable in the spreadsheet "variableNames" supposed to contain the existing variable names or the variable definitions? Where can I find the code for where the data dictionary is used?

Hi @bnleff - this appears to be a bug I introduced in the latest version. I will try and tackle it tomorrow.

The data dictionary format is flexible, it should be two columns, one with the variable name and the other one with description. I will update the documentation.

Hi @bnleff - I have pushed a new version to master that addresses this. It turns out the DT package has new functions to render the output.

There is a note about the format in the explore_data function reference:

It can actually be any data.frame format, but I have two columns in mine: VariableName and Description.

Please let me know if you have any other issues.