
Honeybee server for the hackathon

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This project is retired! For the latest version of honeybee docker images see ladybug tools repository on docker hub.



Honebee server is a work in progress to ease the depolyment of the honeybee on cloud! The project started at the AEC Tech Hackathon 2017. Try the single click deploy button below to start your honeybee-server on heroku.


Road map

This project is currently a proof of concept and still needs a lot of work to change to a stable product! We're planning to keep working on the project after the hackathon but there is no promise! Watch the page for the updates and let us know if you're interested to help!

Thank you for the great team to make this possible! image

You can check our presentation slides here: image )