Interesting display issue
theo-armour opened this issue · 1 comments
I am building a new version of the Spider gbXML Viewer designed to be embedded in the next version of OpenStudio. This requires creating a file titled "embeddable_gbxml_editor.html " that contains all the source code in a single file. The script used to create the file is called "Fetch Assemble Save". Everything is going according to plan and working as expected. Expect for a single huge deficiency - as will be displayed below. Note that at no time is an error or warning displayed i the JavaScript console.
Fetch Assemble Save - the file that builds and tests embeddable_gbxml_editor.html . All good. Note windows are OK.
Same gbXML file imported into OpenStudio 2.8. All good.
Same file imported to OpenStudio using embeddable_gbxml_editor.html as created above. Note that surfaces with openings are not displaying,
Now we are in the Chromium R45 browser running a standalone version of embeddable_gbxml_editor.html. Note windows are OK.
Again Chromium 45, but now with the same Fetch Assemble Save running in an iframe. Note again the absence of surfaces with openings.
The code required to build surfaces with openings is complicated. It requires conjugating quaternions and the like. So bugs like this are understandable. The issue for me was trying to find out whether the problem came from my coding or from issues with the browser. The above is a record of my process in sorting this out.
Now let's get this thing working properly!