Port to Python3
lafrech opened this issue · 1 comments
The only difficulty, as far as I can tell, is the availability of the configobj module. This module is used to read the config file. It is quite practical. The gateway does not use many of its features, but at least one key feature: the possibility to define subsections.
The configparser module, included in the core, does not provide this.
There has been an attempt to port configobj to python3 but it seems to have been abandoned:
Maybe this second attempt from March 2013:
And we don't see a debian package coming:
It may be more sensible to adapt the code to configparser. This would have the advantage of using a core module. This is what Pastebinit did:
FWIW, ConfigObject, a wrapper to configparser, to access sections/options with attribute names (no idea whether this would prove useful in our case):
Perhaps a viable Python3 port of ConfigObj: https://github.com/DiffSK/configobj