
showstopper error: "wrong status line..." apt-spy2 fails to run

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hi, in testing apt-spy2, I've found that it will fail to run with the following error:

wrong status line: "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.9p1 Debian-5ubuntu1.1"

after running either of the following commands

apt-spy2 fix --launchpad --commit --country=$COUNTRY
apt-spy2 check --launchpad --country=$COUNTRY

On googling the error message, I believe this might be an error message from the Nokogiri library:

I will see if I can find the place where the code in apt-spy2 is using Nokogiri and see if I can just get it to understand that such an error is simply a bad response, and handle that case appropriately, instead of merely dying.

I get this error message as well,

till commented

@hardyoyo @jcowhigjr apparently I missed these notifications. Any idea if either of you came up with a solution?

till commented

@hardyoyo From reading the stack overflow, it seems to be directly related to the "target". Can't say that this is not a bug in my code (or nokogiri) without seeing more output.

Hi, sorry, I also missed this notification on my end. Yes, my workaround has been to avoid using the --launchpad --country command line options.

till commented

@hardyoyo :D That's fine! It doesn't seem like a super-blocker! Is this still an issue, and can you paste more output? I'll see if I can fix it and do a new release.

till commented

I merged a bunch of PRs, etc.:

❯ bundle exec apt-spy2 check --launchpad --country=us
Mirror: - UP
Mirror: - UP
Mirror: - UP
Mirror: - UP
Mirror: - UP
Mirror: - UP
Mirror: - UP
Mirror: - UP

Having a hard time reproduce this. I am happy to write the code if anyone has more output.

till commented

Released v0.7.0 (changelog: #23):