
getRelation for embedded object in Entity

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is it possible to use getRelation for embedded object in entity?


public class Cart {

    private List<CartItem> items = new ArrayList<>();


public class CartItem {

    private Product product;


export class Cart extends Resource {
    items: CartItem[];
export class Product extends Resource {
  name: string;
export class CartItem { //it is not Resource, just embedded object
    product: Product;

GET /cart/1 looks like

  "items": [
      "_links": {
        "product": {
          "href": "http://localhost:8080/api/product/1"
cartService.get(1).subscribe(cart => {
    cart.items[0].getRelation(Product, 'product')
        .subscribe(product => {

show ERROR TypeError: cart.items[0].getRelation is not a function

Or is there some workaround to do this?

Hi @tmichalec ,

Yes, you can't do postRelation for embeddable entity.
I'll see what I can do to make it work.

@tmichalec ,
I've added support for embeddable entities in 1.0.18 version that already available in npm.

After update hal-client you need only extend CartItem from EmbeddedResource that adds ability to do links operations like getRealtion on this model class for more information see here and here:

export class Cart extends Resource {
    items: CartItem[];
export class Product extends Resource {
  name: string;
export class CartItem extends EmbeddedResource {
    product: Product;