Limit of Single Device per LLDP Discovery
avlec opened this issue · 3 comments
The tool doesn't seem to provide support for multiple LLDP packets being recivied on the same interface. I have a ethernet interface that is connected to a switch. I can see in wireshark that 2 LLDP messages are being recieved, one for a managed switch and one for a device on a unmanaged switch that sits between the computer and the managed switch see below for an illustration of the layout. What I end up seeing is just device on that ethernet interface, I do notice that the LLDP message for device arrives before managed sw.
[ computer ] - - - - -\
[unmanaged sw] - - - - - [managed sw]
[ device ] - - - - - -/
What is the destination MAC address for the two LLDP packets you see in Wireshark?
Note: device can see both computer and managed switch
Sorry for the late reply. It is correct that only the first packet will be displayed. That was a design choice. I think none of the packets should be able to reach your computer. If the unmanaged switch conform to standards it should discard both packets, unless it is actually a hub.