
TypeError: Cannot read property 'patternOnly' of undefined

Closed this issue · 7 comments

ubuntu 16.10,
node v7.7.3
open-in-editor 2.0.0

$ env | grep EDITOR

$ ./node_modules/.bin/oe index.js:1
TypeError: Cannot read property 'patternOnly' of undefined

The same error is reproduced for the cmd option:

var openInEditor = require('open-in-editor');

var editor = openInEditor.configure({
  cmd: 'visual-studio-code -r -g {filename}:{line}:{column}'
});'index.js:1').catch(err => { console.error(err) });
$ node index.js 
TypeError: Cannot read property 'patternOnly' of undefined

I'm not sure, but probably it's because process.platform not a darwin and we have a mistake (here)[]. But it's should to another error.
I've fixed an issue and published 2.1. Can you test it?

$ ./bin/oe --version
$ ./bin/oe package.json 
TypeError: Cannot read property 'patternOnly' of undefined

@lahmatiy The error message looks like the options is undefined then the open function has called.
I've just noted what the options is not passed to the open function if just the cmd is defined (look at please ). Could the root cause happen here?

It would be nice if the cmd option could be passed to the configure method together with other options. The editor option, for example:

var editor = openInEditor.configure({
  editor: 'code',
  cmd: 'visual-studio-code' // just the custom editor's path, and the pattern will be guessed

In the ideal solution if the editor's path has being taken from environment variables (it's the '/usr/bin/vim', for example) the pattern option with an additional editor's command line agruments should be guessed automatically if the editor is known.

The error message looks like the options is undefined then the open function has called.
I've just noted what the options is not passed to the open function if just the cmd is defined (look at please ). Could the root cause happen here?

Yep, you're right, that's the cause of the problem – fixed

It would be nice if the cmd option could be passed to the configure method together with other options. The editor option, for example

Sounds reasonable, it's possible now. And I've changed behaviour to get an editor settings when editor and cmd are set.

In the ideal solution if the editor's path has being taken from environment variables (it's the '/usr/bin/vim', for example) the pattern option with an additional editor's command line agruments should be guessed automatically if the editor is known.

When editor or cmd is set, environment variables are not using. It's by design and if we change it there is no way to override environment settings.

2.0.0 is released. Should be ok now.

Ecxellent! Thank you very much.