
List removed discussions of a talk page

Opened this issue · 1 comments

In my dream world, MediaWiki ships with an issue tracker instead of talk pages. However I can't live there all the time, so sometimes I wonder what it'd be like if in the real world at least at the bottom of every talk page there was a list of all the headings that have been deleted in the page's old revisions; each entry could link to the last revision where the heading appeared, and more information could be displayed, like the first and last post dates, or the participating user names.

Implementing a script for this would be a huge job of course, and probably making it parse every revision of every talk page would be even worse, but I thought I'd dump this idea here so I'd stop thinking about it once and for all :P If implemented though, maintaining the lists would be easier, since there are very few edits to talk pages each day.

Help talk:Discussion#Deletion policy is related.

I'll see to it when I get bored enough :P

Since new sections are supposed to be added to the bottom and there is the "+" button to do this cleanly, I think it would be better to put the list at the top and make it collapsible and collapsed by default.