
Format Support Request: Chrome Trace Event Format

hari387 opened this issue · 2 comments

I'd like to request support for the chrome trace event format (documented here). One of the main reasons for this is that clang/clang++ has support for outputting this profiling format with the -ftime-trace flag (see here), which is useful when thinking about how to speedup builds, particularly in a C++ context. Currently, it's not too hard to upload these to, but it would be much quicker, and quite probably better served with this terminal viewer instead.

Hi! thanks for telling me this (I didn't know chrome trace event format before)

found an example picture here:

So do you mean rendering this part?


Looks like it is not a "flamegraph" but a tracing tiemline, like the timeline graph in chrome's developer tools. But I think we should be able to render it, like flamegraph ;D

Yes, that's exactly what I mean, thanks.