AnalogCoder: Analog Circuit Design via Training-Free Code Generation

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The code implement for paper AnalogCoder: Analog Circuit Design via Training-Free Code Generation.

Yao Lai1, Sungyoung Lee2, Guojin Chen3, Souradip Poddar2, Mengkang Hu1, David Z. Pan2, Ping Luo1.

1 The University of Hong Kong, 2 The University of Texas at Austin, 3 The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

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Analog circuit design is a significant task in modern chip technology, focusing on selecting component types, connectivity, and parameters to ensure proper circuit functionality. Despite advances made by Large Language Models (LLMs) in digital circuit design, the complexity and scarcity of data in analog circuitry pose significant challenges. To mitigate these issues, we introduce AnalogCoder, the first training-free LLM agent for designing analog circuits that converts tasks into Python code generation.

Main advantages of AnalogCoder:

  • AnalogCoder features a feedback-enhanced flow with crafted domain-specific prompts, enabling effective and automated design of analog circuits with a high success rate.
  • It proposes a circuit skill library to archive successful designs as reusable modular sub-circuits, simplifying composite circuit creation.
  • Extensive testing on a custom-designed benchmark of 24 analog circuit design tasks of varying difficulty shows that AnalogCoder successfully designed 20 circuits, outperforming existing methods.

In summary, AnalogCoder can significantly improve the labor-intensive chip design process, enabling non-experts to efficiently design analog circuits.

Evaluation of LLMs

Ranking method: # of solved (number of successfully solved circuit design problems) takes priority. If tied, higher average Pass@1 takes priority.

LLM Model Avg. Pass@1 Avg. Pass@5 # of Solved
Llama2-7B 0.0 0.0 0
Llama2-13B 0.0 0.0 0
SemiKong-8B* 0.1 0.7 1
Llama3-8B 0.1 0.7 1
Phi3-14B 0.3 1.3 1
Qwen-1.5-110B 0.3 1.4 2
CodeLlama-13B 0.6 2.5 2
Mistral-7B 3.3 7.7 2
Llama 2-70B 5.1 9.8 3
CodeQwen-1.5-7B 1.1 5.6 4
CodeLlama-34B 1.9 7.4 4
CodeLlama-7B 2.4 9.0 4
DeepSeek-Coder-33B 4.0 10.2 4
Llama3.1-8B 4.9 12.9 4
Magicoder-7B 3.8 8.6 5
Mixtral-8×7B 5.6 12.4 5
StarCoder2-15B-Instuct 5.6 12.4 5
CodeGeeX4-9B* 10.6 20.3 6
CodeLlama-70B 3.2 12.2 7
CodeGemma-7B 6.9 17.0 7
WizardCoder-33B 7.1 16.9 7
GPT-3.5 (w/o context) 8.1 18.5 7
GPT-3.5 (w/o flow) 12.8 25.3 8
Codestral-22B 16.4 29.1 8
GPT-3.5 (w/o CoT) 19.4 26.3 8
GLM-4 22.8 31.2 8
GPT-3.5 (SPICE) 13.9 26.9 9
GPT-3.5 21.4 35.0 10
GPT-3.5 (fine-tune) 28.1 39.6 10
Llama3-70B 28.8 36.4 11
Gemini-1.0-Pro 28.9 41.2 11
Gemini-1.5-Flash 35.7 40.6 11
Qwen-2-72B 9.3 26.6 12
GPT-4o-mini 34.9 41.7 12
DeepSeek-V2-Chat 38.6 44.3 13
GPT-4 (w/o tool) 51.1 57.7 14
Llama3.1-70B 25.4 42.6 14
GPT-4o (w/o tool) 54.2 58.9 15
Claude-3.5-Sonnet (w/o tool) 58.1 60.7 15
Mistral-Large-2 28.6 51.0 17
Gemini-1.5-Pro 33.9 44.6 17
DeepSeek-V2-Coder 56.5 69.2 19
Llama3.1-405B 56.9 70.7 20
AnalogCoder (GPT 4o-based) 66.1 75.9 20
AnalogCoder (Claude 3.5 Sonnet-based) 76.1 86.3 22

* without CoT (prompt to directly generate codes rather than devices) due to token limitations or its primary design for code generation.


  1. All our results are reproducible.
  2. The configuration of the environment does NOT require sudo privileges.


AnalogCoder requires Python ≥ 3.10, PySpice ≥ 1.5, and openai >= 1.16.1.

Python Install

git clone
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate analog

Environment Check

To ensure the current environment is functional, the following tests can be performed:

cd sample_design

When the program finishes running, if All tasks passed is displayed, it indicates that the environment is normal.

Otherwise, it will display Please check your environment and try again. It means you should check the configuration of the current Python environment, especially the settings related to PySpice.

Quick Start

You can directly run the following code for quick start.

python --task_id=1 --api_key="[OPENAI_API]" --num_per_task=1

which will generate one circuit based on task 1.


  • Task descriptions are in problem_set.tsv.
  • Sample circuits are in directory sample_design.
  • Test-benches are in directory problem_check.


If you find our work beneficial, we would be grateful if you considered citing our paper.

      title={AnalogCoder: Analog Circuit Design via Training-Free Code Generation}, 
      author={Yao Lai and Sungyoung Lee and Guojin Chen and Souradip Poddar and Mengkang Hu and David Z. Pan and Ping Luo},