
I am having an issue with creating thumnail images with file already stored in the disk

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I am trying to create thumbnail image with the Laravel file storage system , but it does not work with the file already store on the disk let say public or s3 i get the following error
Exception: Unable to probe
the code is

public function store(Request $request, Video $video)
//Authorize the valide user
$this->authorize('upload', Video::class);

    // Validate the request
    $data = request()->validate([
        'video'       => 'required|mimeTypes:video/mp4|max:204800',
        'title'       => 'required',
        'description' => 'required',

    $file = request()->file('video');

    //  Store the file to the disk
    $storedFile = $file->store('video', 'public');

    //  set storage path to store the file (actual video)
    $storage = Storage::disk('public');
    $path    = $storage->url($storedFile);

    $thumbnail_image = $file->hashName() . ".jpg";

    $thumbnail_path = 'tempo';

    // This file is in project folder named tempo
    $file_in_project_folder = 'tempo/Alhimyri.mp4';
    Thumbnail::getThumbnail($path, $thumbnail_path, $thumbnail_image);

    // Append the url to data to be stored
    $dataToRecord = [
        'title'       => $data['title'],
        'description' => $data['description'],
        'url'         => $path,


    return response(['Okay', 200]);

Please help what prevent generation thumnail from the disk,

But when i use the $file_in_project_folder = 'tempo/Alhimyri.mp4'; instead of $path on

Thumbnail::getThumbnail($path, $thumbnail_path, $thumbnail_image);
Thumbnail::getThumbnail($file_in_project_folder, $thumbnail_path, $thumbnail_image);

everthing work perfectly what is the issue here

  • It was due to file path and you are passing file resource url ( not the file storage path(/public/tempo/Alhimyri.mp4)
  • Try this $path = storage_path('public/' . $storedFile)
  • Similar issue at source
  • Why use storage_path() ?

Can we do it for image stored in s3?