
Messages are sent twice

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Thanks for creating the plugin, it's a nice wrapper for the Plivo PHP package. I found a small bug in it. Currently all messages are sent twice because you call the send_message function twice (line 123 to 125 of plivo.php):

$response = $sendsms->send_message($params);

If you change the if statement so it takes the response as a result it will work better. The if statement also wasn't working (because you always got an object back it would always say it is sent successfully) so I changed the code to this:

$response = $sendsms->send_message($params);

        if($response["status"] == 202)
            return "success";
            return $response;

hi @kaylucas , Thank for notifying me about that Redundancy.
I have resolved the issue please check once.