

jackieli-tes opened this issue · 2 comments

I find this one tricky.

I have my colour scheme for FZF stored in FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS. It's synced with base16-shell so I can have one command to switch the colour scheme for the terminal, vim & FZF.

However when I tried to configure extrakto with:

set -g @extrakto_fzf_tool "$HOME/.fzf/bin/fzf $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS"

It just didn't work. After some digging I realised I started tmux directly with a keybinding in i3. So that must have skipped my .zshrc eval because it's done after tmux is started?

anyway, I find that the easiest way for me to hack this is just to add $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS when launching the $fzf_tool in

Any better suggestions?

I think the easiest option would be to create a fzf-launch script where you first source your .zshrc and then run fzf.

I think the easiest option would be to create a fzf-launch script where you first source your .zshrc and then run fzf.

yes, exactly what I've done.

❯ cat ~/.fzf-zsh
#!/usr/bin/env zsh

source ~/.zprofile
$HOME/.fzf/bin/fzf $@