
[Feat ๐Ÿš€: Implement GitHub Authentication ]

lalitdotdev opened this issue ยท 0 comments

Implement GitHub Authentication for Fetching User Repositories

Issue Description:
As part of enhancing our platform's functionality and user experience, we need to implement GitHub authentication to allow users to fetch their GitHub repositories seamlessly. This feature will enable our users to access their GitHub repositories directly within our application without the need for manual setup or manual repository entry.

Proposed Solution:

  • Integrate GitHub OAuth 2.0 authentication to securely authenticate users with their GitHub accounts and obtain necessary permissions to access their repositories.
  • Upon successful authentication, users should be able to view a list of their GitHub repositories within our application.
  • Implement a "Fetch Repositories" button or a similar user-friendly mechanism that allows users to trigger the fetching process and retrieve their repositories.
  • Cache the fetched repository data in redis for a reasonable duration to reduce redundant API calls and improve performance.

Functional Requirements:

  1. GitHub Login Page:

    • Create a dedicated login page with a "Login with GitHub" button to initiate the authentication process.
    • Handle the GitHub OAuth flow to obtain necessary permissions for fetching repositories.
  2. User Authorization:

    • Request access to the required GitHub scopes (e.g., "repo," "read:user") to retrieve repository information and user data.
    • Handle permission approval and denial gracefully and inform users about the data that will be accessed.
  3. Repository Fetching:

    • Fetch the user's repositories from GitHub's API using the authenticated access token.
    • Display a paginated list of the user's repositories, including basic information like repository name, description, and last update date.
  4. Error Handling:

    • Implement appropriate error handling and display clear error messages to users if any issues occur during the authentication or repository fetching process.

Non-functional Requirements:

  1. Security:

    • Ensure that sensitive data, such as access tokens, are securely stored and transmitted using industry-standard encryption methods.
    • Avoid storing GitHub access tokens on the client side to prevent potential security vulnerabilities.
  2. Performance:

    • Optimize the repository fetching process to minimize response time and provide a smooth user experience, especially for users with a large number of repositories.
  3. User Experience:

    • Design a user-friendly interface that guides users through the authentication process clearly and efficiently.
    • Provide an option to log out or revoke access to GitHub repositories for users who wish to do so.

Testing Requirements:

  1. Unit Testing:

    • Develop unit tests to ensure that GitHub authentication and repository fetching functions work as expected.
    • Include tests for different authentication scenarios, such as successful authentication, authentication failure, and user denial of permissions.
  2. Integration Testing:

    • Conduct thorough integration testing to verify that the feature works seamlessly within our application environment.
    • Test for edge cases and potential issues related to token expiration, API rate limits, and repository access restrictions.

Additional Considerations:
Discuss and decide whether this feature should be available to all users by default or if it should be an opt-in feature. Provide clear documentation for users explaining how to use and benefit from the GitHub authentication feature.