
[ New Feature Request ] - Job/Internship Posting and Approval System

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Subject: New Feature Request - Job/Internship Posting and Approval System

Feature Description


Introduce an exciting and much-anticipated feature on CampusBuddy that enables community members (students, faculty, and alumni) to seamlessly post job/internship opportunities they came across directly on the platform. This feature ensures that opportunities are curated, relevant, and accessible to all users. Admin approval will be a key step to maintain quality and appropriateness.


  1. User Submission: Empower CampusBuddy users to submit job/internship opportunities using an intuitive form powered by React Hook Forms for a smoother and more engaging experience.

  2. Admin Approval: Admin will have the responsibility to review and approve or reject submissions based on relevance and appropriateness. This step ensures the quality of opportunities presented to the CampusBuddy community.

  3. Frontend Display: Approved opportunities will be dynamically displayed on the frontend, creating a valuable and real-time resource for users actively seeking job or internship opportunities.

  4. Tailored Search and Filters:
    The addition of advanced search and filter functionalities allows users to tailor their search criteria. This means individuals can now easily find opportunities aligned with their specific interests, skills, or career aspirations, streamlining the process of discovering the most relevant opportunities for them.

  5. Networking and Collaboration:
    The platform becomes not just a job board but a dynamic space for networking and collaboration. Users can connect with those posting opportunities, creating a bridge between seekers and providers. This collaborative aspect adds a layer of personalization to the job search proces

Technical Implementation Details

  1. React Hook Forms: Leverage React Hook Forms to build a user-friendly and efficient submission form, enhancing the overall experience of users interacting with the job/internship posting feature.

  2. Zod Schema Validation: Implement Zod schema validation to enforce a standardized format for submissions, minimizing errors, and ensuring consistent data.

  3. Next.js Server Actions: Utilize Next.js server actions for efficient server-side rendering and seamless integration with the existing CampusBuddy architecture. This will contribute to a faster, more responsive, and scalable platform.

Additional Features (if applicable)

1. Notifications

Implement a robust notification system to keep users informed about the status of their submissions (approved/rejected) and to notify the community about new opportunities.

2. User Dashboard Integration

Integrate the new feature seamlessly into the user dashboard, allowing users to effortlessly track the status of their submissions and explore approved opportunities.

3. Search and Filter Functionality

Enhance user experience by providing advanced search and filter functionalities, allowing users to find specific job/internship opportunities based on various criteria.


Propose a realistic deadline for the completion of this feature, considering the complexity and resources required for a successful implementation.

Additional Notes

Encourage the use of Next.js server actions for optimized server-side rendering, enhancing performance and contributing to the scalability of CampusBuddy.

CampusBuddy Admin