
take back minsdk21 , android5.0 , please !

DI555 opened this issue · 4 comments

Please , take back minsdk21 , android5.0 !
..or, at least, if not possible - just minsdk22 , android5.1 , please !
..we still have many devices on that.
i hope your build system support that!
Thank you very much in advance!

Sorry I can't support it. It is 10 years old at this point.

may be the compiller can do that support, the newest ones can, aik..

One of the libraries I use to do something highly requested needs min SDK 24.

yep, it’s a pity that more apps and libs dropping previouse os versions((, but they’re still fine workable and in good shape, and in some reasons like telemetry and spying - much much better than "new" ones!!!