
should methods be sfinae friendly?

sarah-ek opened this issue · 1 comments

as things are right now, most of the methods on Option/Result have well formed declarations, so the compilers thinks they can be invoked before peeking into their definition. as an example, this can be problematic for a user wishing to use SFINAE or concept constraints to dispatch to different algorithms in a templated context, as an example.

#include "stx/option.h"

struct S {};
using namespace stx;
static_assert(!equality_comparable<S, S>);
// succeeds?
static_assert(equality_comparable<Option<S>, Option<S>>);

constexpr auto a = Option<S>{};
constexpr auto b = Option<S>{};

// boo! fails when we actually use it
bool c = a == b;

Hi, our V2 release will address this.
See: Draft PR #34