
Refactor poseidon libfuncs to use the BlockExt trait

Closed this issue · 7 comments

See: #518

Refactor the code implementing the libfuncs to use the trait methods from BlockExt.

Can I hop on this? @edg-l

Can I hop on this? @edg-l

Sure! assigned

You should wait a bit until the PR i linked is merged or you can branch off of it.

Alright. For the main time, I will just get myself familiar with the codebase while waiting for the PR to be merged

Gm @princeibs are you still working on this?

Hi, is this still available? I am pretty sure I can work on this and deliver it fast! :)

Hello @edg-l and @igaray, I am a smart contract developer and I can execute this task if it is still available.

Hey, I don't know if the issue is assigned to the order of comments. But, I've experience doing the refactoring. Shall I take up this?