
Using the Registration Backend Base

andrewfam opened this issue · 3 comments


I need to have a custom view where a user of my website can accept and manage the registrations without going into the Django admin.

I see that there is class registration.backends.RegistrationBackendBase and accept -- accept a registration. How do i go about using this? Do i do a url or extend it?

You can get current backend instance with registration.backends.get_backend() function.
If you don't specify the argument (path) of the function, the function will return backend instance which was specified in settings module.

And you can find the documentation for the default backend class at

So you can create your original view which accept, reject, activate user profiles.
If you need some permission systems, checkout djang-permission or django-gardian.
I'm sure that you need these kind of permission system if you are going to create your own management views.

Thanks. I tried the above with the following code but I'm getting a Not implemented Error.
reg_id = request.POST.get('reg_id', None)
rp = get_object_or_404(RegistrationProfile, id=reg_id)
rbackend = RegistrationBackendBase()
rbackend.accept(rp, request,send_email=True, message=None)


rbackend = get_backend()
rbackend.accept(rp, request, send_email=True, message=None)