
R-squared and Adjusted R-squared

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi, thanks a lot for keeping improving this fantastic package.

I was wondering which method are being used to calculate R-squared and Adjusted R-squared. I checked the documentation but could not find a clear reference to the calculation method in phylolm. Since I am getting different results from the summary of phylolm and R2 calculated with the function rr2:R2, I wonder which method you are implementing in phylolm.

I would greatly appreciate any feedback.

We use the regular formulas for R-squared and adjusted R-squared:
R-squared = (SSnull - SSfull)/SSnull
adjusted-R-squared = (SSnull/(n-1) - SSfull/(n-p))/(SSnull/(n-1))

Many thanks for the reply!

Arriving to the party a little late, but still - could you please explain what is the null model we are comparing against? Is it a model in which the response variable is solely explained by the phylogeny? e.g. a BM or OU model?