
Unable to resolve service \"Status\\V1\\Rpc\\Ping\\Controller\" to a factory; are you certain you provided it during configuration? created by Admin UI

ALTAMASH80 opened this issue · 2 comments

Bug Report

Version(s) ~1.4


After creating the Status RPC as explained in the documentation I got an error after creating the RPC Status. uri (/api-tools/api/module/Status/rpc?version=1) which gives error. The problem I've found after a little bit of diagnosis and I think services are mapped incorrectly and you can see here.

If the provided configuration is correct in the service manager then please close this issue but do share the advanced mechanic behind this configuration method of controllers and other stuff. For the controller's configuration please see the configuration.

I understood the magic configuration of controllers in service managers. But still have the issue.

Thanks for another new configuration trick. I also noticed you people have dropped support for PHP 7.*. I guess the problem is solved.