
Psalm integration

boesing opened this issue · 1 comments

Feature Request

QA yes


As decided during the Technical-Steering-Committee Meeting on August 3rd, 2020, Laminas wants to implement vimeo/psalm in all packages.

Implementing psalm is quite easy.


  • Create a psalm.xml in the project root
  • Copy and paste the contents from this psalm.xml.dist
  • Run $ composer require --dev vimeo/psalm
  • Run $ vendor/bin/psalm --set-baseline=psalm-baseline.xml
  • Add a composer script static-analysis with the command psalm --shepherd --stats
  • Add a new line to script: in .travis.yml: - if [[ $TEST_COVERAGE == 'true' ]]; then composer static-analysis ; fi
  • Remove phpstan from the project (phpstan.neon.dist, .travis.yml entry, composer.json require-dev and scripts)
  • Fix as many psalm errors as possible.

This package is considered feature-complete, and is now in security-only maintenance mode, following a decision by the Technical Steering Committee.
If you have a security issue, please follow our security reporting guidelines.
If you wish to take on the role of maintainer, please nominate yourself

If you are looking for an actively maintained package alternative, we recommend: