
PostgresqlMetadata Retrieve trigger throw exception

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Bug Report

Incorrect column parameters when retrieving trigger info in sql

Version(s) 2.15.1
PostgreSQL 10.21


Incorrect column parameters when retrieving trigger info in sql

Sql produce by PostgresqlMetadata loadTriggerData()

SELECT "trigger_name",
		"condition_timing" "action_timing",
		"condition_reference_old_table" "action_reference_old_table",
		"condition_reference_new_table" "action_reference_new_table",
FROM "information_schema"."triggers" WHERE "trigger_schema" = 'public'

condition_timing should be the alias of action_timing
condition_reference_old_table should be the alias of action_reference_old_table
condition_reference_new_table should be the alias of action_reference_new_table

Current behavior

Exception Thrown

PDOException: SQLSTATE[42703]: Undefined column: 7 ERROR:  column "condition_timing" does not exist
LINE 1: ...ition", "action_statement", "action_orientation", "condition...

How to reproduce

$adapter = new Adapter([
            'driver'   => 'Pdo_Pgsql',
            'hostname' => 'localhost',
            'port'     => 5432,
            'username' => 'postgres',
            'password' => '888888',
            'database' => 'postgres'

$metadata = Factory::createSourceFromAdapter($adapter);

Expected behavior

Should produce this sql

SELECT "trigger_name",
	"action_timing" "condition_timing",
	"action_reference_old_table" "condition_reference_old_table",
	"action_reference_new_table" "condition_reference_new_table",
FROM "information_schema"."triggers"
WHERE "trigger_schema" = 'public'

Ia this also applicable to previous versions?

Ia this also applicable to previous versions?

test on latest version 9 also not working, I don't think anybody use lower then 9

Run using docker

docker run --rm  -p 5432:5432  -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=888888 postgres:9

I haven't check previous laminas-db version

Sorry, I mean lower versions of this library 😁

does not work return same exception

Thanks for verifying: was just trying to understand if this was a regression 👍