Bug with accents for my columns
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Bug Report
I am using grocery crud which use laminas-db v2.20. I have bugs when I have accents in my columns that I can correct if I made a change in laminas db and I think it's a bug of laminas db.
The bug come from
laminas-db/src/Adapter/Platform/AbstractPlatform.php function quoteIdentifierInFragment
Line 45:
$parts = preg_split(
If $identifier has accent since $quoteIdentifierFragmentPattern = '/([^0-9,a-z,A-Z$_:])/i';
$identifer is broken done and particularly 2 bytes character are broken down in two.
To correct this it should be $quoteIdentifierFragmentPattern = /([^\p{L}0-9$_\-:])/iu' to include all accentued characters
This correction has also to be made in MySQL.php and i guess in some other files.
when I have accents in my columns
This may sound harsh, but "play stupid games, win stupid prizes". Who the hell added accents to a column name in a DB schema?!
My endorsement here would be to throw an exception on any non-ASCII sequence passed in.
throw an exception on any non-ASCII sequence passed in.
BTW, this leads to DoS attacks when user input is passed to these methods, so more reasoning needed around this.