
Doubled first row when HydratingResultSet use buffer() on Oracle database

weierophinney opened this issue · 2 comments

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Hi, i use a OCI8 (oracle) adapter for an application in Expressive. zend-db and zend-hydrator is installed. I need sometime to use buffer() function to iterate more than one time in the result.

It appear that the first row is doubled in the result when i use buffer(). When i'm not use buffer the result is correct.

I also check with MariaDB database for testing and it works in both case (with and without buffer).

I don't know if that problem are really in zend-hydrator or somewhere else because it happened in my case with oracle only.

  • PHP 7.1.x / 7.3.x
  • zendframework/zend-hydrator (3.0.2)
  • zendframework/zend-db (2.10.0)
  • OCI8 Version (2.2.0)


Code to reproduce the issue

Just a partial code to see

        * Test with MariaDB

        $sql = sprintf("MariaDB SQL query that retreive 5 records");

        $result = $this->mariadbAdapter->createStatement($sql)->execute();

        // Hydrating, not totally configured for that test
        $hydrator = new ObjectPropertyHydrator();

        $resultSet = new HydratingResultSet($hydrator, new TestEntity());
        $resultSet->buffer(); // With or without the use of buffer, all works like expected

        * Test with Oracle

        $sql = sprintf("Oracle SQL query that retreive 5 records");

        $result2 = $this->oracleAdapter->createStatement($sql)->execute();

        // Hydrating, not totally configured for that test
        $hydrator2 = new ObjectPropertyHydrator();

        $resultSet2 = new HydratingResultSet($hydrator2, new TestEntity());
        $resultSet2->buffer(); // -> First row is doubled if buffer enabled!!

        /* In view $resultSet is on $this->mariadbDatas and $resultSet2 on $this->oracleDatas */

	<h2>MariaDB Results:</h2>
	<!-- MariaDB results -->
	<?php foreach($this->mariadbDatas as $row): ?>
	    <?php print_r($row) ?>
	<?php endforeach; ?>

	<h2>Oracle Results:</h2>
	<!-- Oracle results -->
	<?php foreach($this->oracleDatas as $row): ?>
	   <?php print_r($row) ?>
	<?php endforeach; ?>

Expected results


Actual results with buffer() // oracle only

A <- first line doubled in the results

Originally posted by @mbourquin at zendframework/zend-hydrator#107

@mbourquin I would guess the problem is with the adapter, not with zend-hydrator. Definitely needs checking. Thanks for reporting!

Originally posted by @michalbundyra at zendframework/zend-hydrator#107 (comment)

Marked as "Won't Fix", and closing; the issue lies in the database adapter, not this package.