
Mixed-mode hydration strategy

Bilge opened this issue · 2 comments

Bilge commented

Feature Request

New Feature yes
RFC no
BC Break no


This library appears to support various single-mode hydration strategies for objects, including method hydration and property hydration, but does not seem to support any mixed-mode hydration strategies. For example, suppose I have an object with public properties but a few properties are also complimented by setters. I would like to use the setter if one exists, but if not, fall back to direct property assignment. Therefore I want a hydrator that uses method hydration first and falls back to property hydration if a setter is not available.

You can use the AggregateHydrator. A short example:

class Album
    public ?string $title;

    private ?string $artist;

    public function getArtist(): ?string
        return $this->artist;

    public function setArtist(?string $artist): void
        $this->artist = $artist;

$hydrator = new Laminas\Hydrator\Aggregate\AggregateHydrator();
$hydrator->add(new Laminas\Hydrator\ObjectPropertyHydrator());
$hydrator->add(new Laminas\Hydrator\ClassMethodsHydrator());

$album = new Album();

// Hydrate
$hydrator->hydrate(['title' => "Let's Dance", 'artist' => 'David Bowie'], $album);

var_dump($album->title); // 'Let's Dance'
var_dump($album->getArtist()); // 'David Bowie'

// Extract
$data = $hydrator->extract($album);


array(2) {
    'title' =>
    string(11) "Let's Dance"
    'artist' =>
    string(11) "David Bowie"

More informations can be found in the documentation:

Bilge commented

Very good answer, thanks.