Packaging a Zend MVC application using zend-modulemanager results in an unloaded configuration
weierophinney opened this issue · 3 comments
- I was not able to find an open or closed issue matching what I'm seeing.
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After developing a Zend MVC application with console components, it is desired to package the console components and all services into a phar. After packaging the application into a phar the application ceases to run due to configuration issues. The issues stem from the ModuleManager's use of glob to autoload config files. The glob command does not support stream wrappers. Would it make sense to eliminate the need for glob within the package?
Code to reproduce the issue
The implementation is on a standard Zend MVC application. To recreate the issue you must have a module that depends on configuration that is only included in the autoloaded config files to execute, such as a custom usage of the Doctrine Migrations package then package the application as a phar. The problem stems from the ConfigListener::addConfigByPath($path, $type)
method or, to continue tracing it, The Glob::glob()
method in the Zend standard library:
protected function addConfigByPath($path, $type)
switch ($type) {
case self::STATIC_PATH:
$this->addConfig($path, ConfigFactory::fromFile($path));
case self::GLOB_PATH:
// We want to keep track of where each value came from so we don't
// use ConfigFactory::fromFiles() since it does merging internally.
foreach (Glob::glob($path, Glob::GLOB_BRACE) as $file) { // FIXME Here is the issue
$this->addConfig($file, ConfigFactory::fromFile($file));
return $this;
Expected results
$ /usr/bin/php bin/cli.php
###, version 1.0.0
Available commands:
autocomplete Command autocompletion setup
build:phar Builds a phar of the application
dbms:database:last-modified Reports the last time each managed database was modified
dbms:database:transfer Transfers a database from an origin server to a destination server
fixtures Manages application data fixtures
help Get help for individual commands
version Display the version of the script
Actual results
$ /usr/bin/php cli.phar
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: Cannot load migrations from "data/DoctrineORMModule/Migrations" because it is not a valid directory in phar:///vagrant/cli.phar/vendor/doctrine/migrations/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Migrations/Finder/AbstractFinder.php:38
Stack trace:
#0 phar:///vagrant/cli.phar/vendor/doctrine/migrations/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Migrations/Finder/RecursiveRegexFinder.php(36): Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\Finder\AbstractFinder->getRealPath('data/DoctrineOR...')
#1 phar:///vagrant/cli.phar/vendor/doctrine/migrations/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Migrations/Configuration/Configuration.php(743): Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\Finder\RecursiveRegexFinder->findMigrations('data/DoctrineOR...', 'DoctrineORMModu...')
#2 phar:///vagrant/cli.phar/vendor/doctrine/migrations/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Migrations/Configuration/Configuration.php(385): Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\Configuration\Configuration->findMigrations('data/DoctrineOR...')
#3 phar:///vagrant/cli.phar/vendor/doctrine/doctrine-orm-module/src/DoctrineORMModule/Service/MigrationsConfigur in phar:///vagrant/cli.phar/vendor/zendframework/zend-servicemanager/src/ServiceManager.php on line 771
Fatal error: Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: Cannot load migrations from "data/DoctrineORMModule/Migrations" because it is not a valid directory in phar:///vagrant/cli.phar/vendor/zendframework/zend-servicemanager/src/ServiceManager.php on line 771
Zend\ServiceManager\Exception\ServiceNotCreatedException: Service with name "doctrine.migrations_configuration.orm_default" could not be created. Reason: Cannot load migrations from "data/DoctrineORMModule/Migrations" because it is not a valid directory in phar:///vagrant/cli.phar/vendor/zendframework/zend-servicemanager/src/ServiceManager.php on line 771
Call Stack:
0.4194 5286560 1. {main}() /vagrant/cli.phar:0
0.4197 5285680 2. require('phar:///vagrant/cli.phar/bin/cli.php') /vagrant/cli.phar:10
0.4783 7488880 3. Zend\Mvc\Application::init() phar:///vagrant/cli.phar/bin/cli.php:3
0.6356 10028752 4. Zend\Mvc\Application->bootstrap() phar:///vagrant/cli.phar/vendor/zendframework/zend-mvc/src/Application.php:273
0.6531 10362488 5. Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager->get() phar:///vagrant/cli.phar/vendor/zendframework/zend-mvc/src/Application.php:158
0.6531 10362488 6. Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager->doCreate() phar:///vagrant/cli.phar/vendor/zendframework/zend-servicemanager/src/ServiceManager.php:200
Originally posted by @curtiskelsey at zendframework/zend-modulemanager#82
We have deprecated usage of console tooling with zend-mvc.
The recommendation is to instead use something like zf-console or symfony/console for developing console applications.
In terms of getting service definitions to those console applications, you may still end up with similar issues. The best way to combat them: when building your PHAR file, compile the configuration. Once compiled, have the phar use the compiled configuration; this is already built-in in the ConfigListener
anyways, and will prevent the need for globbing.
Originally posted by @weierophinney at zendframework/zend-modulemanager#82 (comment)
That is the exact wisdom I needed. Thanks! I will compile the config.
Originally posted by @curtiskelsey at zendframework/zend-modulemanager#82 (comment)
I am closing at as the solution already provided.