
Error in function setMax from Zend\Validator\File\Size for values greater than 2G

Closed this issue · 1 comments

If I'm using big values for the maximum limit, I have error on conversion in bytes.
In PHP, on a 32-bit system, the largest value that can be held in an INT is 2147483647. This is equal with 1.999999(and more digits) Gb.
I've tested the setMax with a greater value, like 8000M, but the tests can be made also with 2G.

The function setMax has a casting method to integer
$max = (int) $this->fromByteString($max);
This method will return a negative value because of the cast "(int)".

Example: setMax(7.81 GB) will have calculated max -204010947

The propose is to use "floor" casting like
$max = floor($this->fromByteString($max));

This bug is also presented in ZF3 package.

I'm giving you the example of usage of Size validator, from a getInputFilter() function. The value returned by the below call $this->getUploadMaxFilesize() is "8000M".

           $file = new FileInput('imagepath');
            $file->getValidatorChain()->attach(new UploadFile());
            if($this->getUploadMaxFilesize()) {
                $file->getValidatorChain()->attach(new Size(array('max' => $this->getUploadMaxFilesize())));
            $file->getValidatorChain()->attach(new Extension(array(
                'extension' => $this->getUploadFileExtensions(),
                'case' => false,
                'messages' => array('fileExtensionFalse' => "Only " . implode("/", $this->getUploadFileExtensions()) . " extension are allowed. File '%value%' hasn't an allowed extension"),
                new RenameUpload([
                'target' => PUBLICDIR . $this->getUploadPath() . $this->getUploadFilePrefix(),
                'randomize' => true,
                'use_upload_name' => false,
                'use_upload_extension' => true,
                'overwrite' => false,

Originally posted by @BogMor at zendframework/zend-validator#199

gsteel commented

Closed via #364