
playground not working after turning finished

Closed this issue · 6 comments

This is a followup issue on #24

Using the colab I was able to finish the training, and eval step works in colab notebook,

But playground is not functioning correctly.

Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 1 55 27 PM

Here is the shared link

Hello. Sorry about this, but this currently works fine for me so can not comment on what went wrong. Perhaps an intermittent issue. Could you please retry and let us know if you see this issue again?

Hi , I have the same issue too; it worked initially but stopped in the last couple of days. I have trained 3 models and is the same with all three, example
Thank you

Sorry about your experience. We're working on getting a stable/permanent solution for this. Thank you for your patience!

Hello. Sorry about this, but this currently works fine for me so can not comment on what went wrong. Perhaps an intermittent issue. Could you please retry and let us know if you see this issue again?

Thanks for the information, do you mean a seperate training is working fine or the playground link I posted is working fine ? I retried and the playground link is not working.

hey @yangcheng @Neovalle thanks so much for using Lamini and reporting issues! This is Nina, designer from Lamini. We'd love to learn from you and see how we can improve Lamini for you! If you're open to a 20-30 min chat (in exchange for Lamini free credits), please email me at Looking forward!!

Hi all, this should be fixed. Please try again and do reach out if you need any help at Feel free to try out our examples: