
Cache directory randomly inaccessible due to permissions in Windows

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hello there, I am not changing any permissions so I am not sure why Icaros keeps losing access rights. Can you tell me exactly which permissions Icaros requires the folder to have? Perhaps that will help me explore the issue further. One thing to note, when this happens Icaros cant fix the permissions right away, but then later i can try again and suddenly it can, very strange.

Hey @mostlyhuman, to my knowledge Lando isn't using Icaros for anything. Could you show me an example of the error you're seeing?

Also curious what version of Windows you're on and if you're running Lando in WSL2.

It's possible if you're on an old computer you're experiencing a race condition with permission sweeping that could cause problems...unfortunately that won't get resolved until the rearchitecture in Lando v4 is released.

it's just that standard error where next to the thumbnail cache path it shows like a red triangle and it says you can click the red triangle to try to have Icaros set the permissions and then when it tries it says it couldn't do it because of a running process or something along those lines

Gotcha, sounds pretty specific to your conditions so I'll close this out unless you had any followups, thanks @mostlyhuman!