
Attempting to allocate already allocated variable 'densityperturbation'

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi all,

Prompted by the bug Albert found below, I'm trying out the issue tracking capability in GitHub for the first time. All of you out there can let me know if this feature works well for you or not. I think if any of you open an issue at, all of us sfincs users that are watching the repository get an email about it.

Now on to Albert's issue:

Albert, I assume you are using the fortran-based scan capability (coded in scan.F90) rather than running sfincsScan.rb? I've moved to using the script sfincsScan.rb instead of scan.F90 for several reasons. (1) sfincsScan.rb lets you add to a scan later. For example if you've done a convergence scan and decide you need to add some extra runs at higher Nzeta, you can just run sfincsScan.rb again in the same directory. (2) Using the old scan.F90-based scans, a single failed run corrupts the whole .h5 output file. Let me know if you need any help getting sfincsScan.rb running.

But anyhow, using the scan.F90 scans, I can reproduce your error if and only if I run with fewer procs than the number of runs needed for the scan. How many procs were you using? Normally you want to run with procs = N * (number of runs in the scan) for some integer N, to take advantage of parallelization.

I believe I've fixed this bug by adding some deallocate statements to subroutine deallocateArrays in globalVariables.F90. I just committed this fix to github. Let me know if it solves the problem for you.


On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 9:45 AM, wrote:
Hi Matt,
I'm trying to do a convergence scan with the multi species version using
programMode = 2, but I get the following error after a while:
Fortran runtime error: Attempting to allocate already allocated variable
Do you have an idea what could be the problem?
Attached is the input file.
programMode = 1 seems to be working.


! Input file for SFINCS:
! The Stellarator Fokker-Planck Iterative Neoclassical Conservative Solver.
! Multiple-species version.
! Written in 2013 by Matt Landreman
! Massachusetts Institute of Technology
! Plasma Science & Fusion Center

! Dimensional quantities in this program are normalized to "reference" values:
! \bar{B} = reference magnetic field, typically 1 Tesla.
! \bar{R} = reference length, typically 1 meter.
! \bar{n} = reference density, typically 10^19 m^{-3}, 10^20 m^{-3}, or something similar.
! \bar{m} = reference mass, typically either the mass of hydrogen or deuterium.
! \bar{T} = reference temperature in energy units, typically 1 eV or 1 keV.
! \bar{v} = \sqrt{2 * \bar{T} / \bar{m}} = reference speed
! \bar{Phi} = reference electrostatic potential, typically 1 V or 1 kV.

! You can choose any reference parameters you like, not just the values
! suggested here. The code "knows" about the reference values only through
! the 3 combinations Delta, alpha, and nu_n, input below.

! Radial gradients of density, temperature, and electrostatic potential are
! specified as derivatives with respect to psi_N, where psi_N is the
! toroidal flux normalized to the value at the last closed flux surface.
! (psi_N=0 is the magnetic axis, and psi_N=1 is the last closed flux
! surface.)

! Options for program flow control:

programMode = 2
! Options for 'programMode':
! 1 = Solve for a single set of numerical parameters.
! 2 = Scan the numerical parameters to test for convergence, keeping the physics parameters fixed.
! 8 = Scan E_r (i.e., dPhiHatdpsiN)

! If you make the sign of programMode negative, the program will print the number of runs required
! for the scan corresponding to abs(programMode) and then exit without actually carrying out any solves.

RHSMode = 1
! Options for RHSMode:
! 1 = Solve for a single right-hand side.
! 2 = Solve for three right-hand sides to get the full 3x3 transport matrix.
! At present, RHSMode 2 is not working for multiple species

outputFilename = "sfincsOutput.h5"

outputScheme = 1
! Options for outputScheme:
! 0 = Do not save any HDF5 file.
! 1 = Do save an HDF5 file.

! If the following switch is set to true, a Matlab m-file is created which
! stores the matrix, right-hand side, and solution vector. If an iterative solver is used,
! the preconditioner matrix is also saved.
! PETSc usually generates an error message if the size of the linear system is more then 1400 x 1400,
! so usually this setting should be false.
! saveMatlabOutput = .true.
saveMatlabOutput = .false.

MatlabOutputFilename = "sfincsMatrices.m"

! If the following switch is set to true, the matrix, right-hand-side, and solution of the
! linear system will be saved in PETSc's binary format. The preconditioner matrix will also
! be saved if tryIterativeSolver == .true.

!saveMatricesAndVectorsInBinary = .true.
saveMatricesAndVectorsInBinary = .false.

binaryOutputFilename = "sfincsBinary"

parallelizeOverScan = .true.
! parallelizeOverScan = .false.

! If the parameter below is false, the linear system will not actually be solved.
! Sometimes it is useful to run the code without solving the system in order to quickly
! output profiles or for debugging.
solveSystem = .true.
! solveSystem = .false.


geometryScheme = 4
! 1 = Three-helicity model
! 2 = Three-helicity approximation of the LHD standard configuration
! 3 = Four-helicity approximation of the LHD inward-shifted configuration
! 4 = Three-helicity approximation of the W7-X standard configuration
! 10= Read the boozer coordinate data from the file specified as "fort996boozer_file" below
! 11= Read the boozer coordinate data from the file specified as "JGboozer_file" below (stellarator symmetric file)
! 12= Read the boozer coordinate data from the file specified as "JGboozer_file" below (non-stellarator symmetric file)

! The next few options only matter for geometryScheme = 1, in which the magnetic field is taken to have the form
! B = BBar * B0OverBBar * [1 + epsilon_t * cos(theta) + epsilon_h * cos(helicity_l * theta - helicity_n * zeta)]
! + epsilon_antisymm * sin(helicity_antisymm_l * theta - helicity_antisymm_n * zeta)]

B0OverBBar = 0.7d+0

GHat = 1.27d+0
! G is c/2 * the poloidal current outside the flux
! surface. Equivalently, G is the coefficient of grad zeta in the
! covariant representation of vector B. GHat is G normalized by \bar{B}\bar{R}.

IHat = 0.8d+0
! I is c/2 * the toroidal current inside the flux
! surface. Equivalently, I is the coefficient of grad theta in the
! covariant representation of vector B. IHat is I normalized by \bar{B}\bar{R}.

iota = 1.31d+0
! iota is the rotational transform = 1 / (safety factor q)

epsilon_t = 0.13d+0

epsilon_h = 0.1d+0

helicity_l = 2
helicity_n = 5

epsilon_antisymm = 0.0d+0
helicity_antisymm_l = 3
helicity_antisymm_n = 0

! End of options that only matter for geometryScheme = 1.

! The following option only matters for geometryScheme = 10:

fort996boozer_file = "TJII-midradius_example_s_0493_fort.996"
! Note that PsiA is not stored in the fort.996 file, so we use the
! PsiAHat value from the "physics parameters" namelist below.

! The remaining options only matter for geometryScheme = 11 and 12:

JGboozer_file = "w7x-sc1.bc" ! stellarator symmetric example, geometryScheme = 11
JGboozer_file_NonStelSym = "../../equilibria/out_neo-2_2_axisym" ! non-stellarator symmetric example, geometryScheme = 12, requires Nzeta=1

normradius_wish = 0.5
!The calculation will be performed for the radius
!closest to this one in the JGboozer_file

min_Bmn_to_load = 0d-4
!Filter out any Bmn components smaller than this.


! Species parameters

! Zs = charges of each species, in units of the proton charge e
! mHats = masses of each species, normalized to the reference mass \bar{m}
! nHats = densities of each species, normalized to the reference density \bar{n}
! THats = temperatures of each species, normalized to the reference temperature \bar{T}
! dnHatdpsiNs = radial gradient of the density of each species with respect to the normalized toroidal flux psi_N, normalized to the reference density \bar{n}
! dTHatdpsiNs = radial gradient of the temperature of each species with respect to the normalized toroidal flux psi_N, normalized to the reference temperature \bar{T}

! Here is an example with 1 species:
!Zs = 1
!mHats = 1
!nHats = 1.0d+0
!dNHatdpsiNs = -0.5d+0
!THats = 0.1d+0
!dTHatdpsiNs = -0.7d+0

! Here is an example with 2 species:
!Zs = 1 6
!mHats = 1 6
!nHats = 0.6d+0 0.009d+0
!dNHatdpsiNs = -0.3d+0 -0.001d+0
!THats = 0.5d+0 0.8d+0
!dTHatdpsiNs = -0.3d+0 -0.2d+0

! W7-x 3 species with nickel impurity:
Zs = -1 1 28
mHats = 0.0005486d+0 1 58.6934
nHats = 1.3d+0 1.2971d+0 0.00010317d+0
dNHatdpsiNs = -0.3075d+0 -0.3068d+0 -0.0000244d+0
THats = 4.5d+0 4.0d+0 4.0d+0
dTHatdpsiNs = -6.0d+0 -1.5d+0 -1.5d+0


! Physics parameters:

! The speciesMode parameter doesn't do anything yet.
speciesMode = 0
! 0 = ions
! 1 = electrons

! Roughly speaking, Delta is rho_* at the reference parameters.
! More precisely,
! Delta = c * \bar{m} * \bar{v} / (e * \bar{B} * \bar{R}) in Gaussian units,
! Delta = \bar{m} * \bar{v} / (e * \bar{B} * \bar{R}) in SI units,
! where
! c = speed of light
! e = proton charge
! Delta = 0.0011d+0

Delta = 4.5694d-3 ! reference values: \bar{T}=1 keV, \bar{n}=10^20 m^-3,
! \bar{Phi}=1 kV, \bar{B}=1 T, \bar{R}=1 m, proton mass

! alpha = e * \bar{Phi} / \bar{T} (in both Gaussian and SI units)
! where again e = proton charge.
alpha = 1.0d+0

! psiAHat = psi_a / (\bar{B} * \bar{R}^2) (in both Gaussian and SI units)
! where 2_pi_psi_a is the toroidal flux at the last closed flux surface
! (the surface where psi_N = 1.)
! The value of psiAHat here is over-written for geometryScheme = 2, 3, 11 and 12.
psiAHat = 0.03d+0

! Inductive electric field (often 0).
! EParallelHat = * \bar{R} / (\bar{Phi} * \bar{B}) (in both Gaussian and SI units)
! where
! E = electric field vector
! B = magnetic field vector
! < ... > denotes a flux surface average.
EParallelHat = 0

! Radial electric field
dPhiHatdpsiN = 2.3645d+0

! The next 3 parameters set the values of dPhiHatdpsiN to use for an E_r scan
! (i.e., for programMode = 8)
dPhiHatdpsiN_min = 3d+0
dPhiHatdpsiN_max = 4d+0
NErs = 10
! NErIterations = 2 !Seems i have to change readinput.f90 for this to work

! nu_n is the collisionality at the reference parameters.
! More precisely, nu_n = \bar{nu} * \bar{R} / \bar{v} (in both Gaussian and SI units)
! where \bar{nu} is the dimensional collision frequency at the reference parameters:
! 4 * sqrt{2_pi} * \bar{n} * e^4 * ln(Lambda)
! \bar{nu} = ----------------------------------------------------------- (SI units)
! 3 * (4 * pi * epsilon_0)^2 * sqrt(\bar{m}} * \bar{T}^(3/2)
! or, equivalently,
! 4 * sqrt{2_pi} * \bar{n} * e^4 * ln(Lambda)
! \bar{nu} = ----------------------------------------------------------- (Gaussian units)
! 3 * sqrt(\bar{m}} * \bar{T}^(3/2)
!nu_n = 1.3d+0

nu_n = 8.4774d-3 ! reference values: \bar{T}=1 keV, \bar{n}=10^20 m^-3,
! \bar{Phi}=1 kV, \bar{B}=1 T, \bar{R}=1 m, proton mass

collisionOperator = 0
! 0 = Full linearized Fokker-Planck operator
! 1 = pitch-angle scattering with no momentum-conserving term

constraintScheme = -1
! -1 = automatic: if collisionOperator==0 then set constraintScheme=1,
! otherwise set constraintScheme=2.
! 0 = no constraints
! 1 = 2 constraints: =0 and =0
! 2 = Nx constraints: <f(L=0)>=0 at each x
! You should probably set constraintScheme to -1 except in rare circumstances.

! To use one of the 4 most common trajectory models, the remaining parameters
! in this namelist should be set as follows:
! Full trajectories:
! includeXDotTerm = .true.
! includeElectricFieldTermInXiDot = .true.
! useDKESExBDrift = .false.
! include_fDivVE_term = .false.
! Partial trajectories: (non-conservative, as defined in the paper.)
! includeXDotTerm = .false.
! includeElectricFieldTermInXiDot = .false.
! useDKESExBDrift = .false.
! include_fDivVE_term = .false.
! Conservative partial trajectories: (Not discussed in the paper.)
! includeXDotTerm = .false.
! includeElectricFieldTermInXiDot = .false.
! useDKESExBDrift = .false.
! include_fDivVE_term = .true.
! DKES trajectories:
! includeXDotTerm = .false.
! includeElectricFieldTermInXiDot = .false.
! useDKESExBDrift = .true.
! include_fDivVE_term = .false.

includeXDotTerm = .true.
! includeXDotTerm = .false.

includeElectricFieldTermInXiDot = .true.
! includeElectricFieldTermInXiDot = .false.

! useDKESExBDrift = .true.
useDKESExBDrift = .false.
! If useDKESExBDrift=true, the ExB drift term in the df/dtheta and df/dzeta terms is taken
! to be E x B / <B^2> instead of E x B / B^2.

!include_fDivVE_term = .true.
include_fDivVE_term = .false.
! If true, a term f_{s1} div (v_E) is included in the kinetic equation.
! This term may make sense to include with the partial trajectory model
! as it restores Liouville's theorem (particle conservation) and eliminates
! the need for either a particle or heat source.

! Numerical resolution parameters:

! For each set of 4 numbers below, the first is the value used in a single run.
! The second and third numbers set the range by which the first number is scaled
! in a convergence scan. The fourth number sets the number of values tried in a
! convergence scan. The code attempts to space the values evenly in a logarithmic
! sense, as in Matlab's 'logspace' function. For example, the following settings
! Ntheta = 6
! NthetaMinFactor = 0.5
! NthetaMaxFactor = 2.0
! NthetaNumRuns = 3
! would mean the values Ntheta = 3, 6, and 12 would be tried in a scan.
! If you don't want to scan a variable in a convergence scan, set the associated
! xxxNumRuns parameter to 0.

! Number of grid points in the poloidal direction.
! Memory and time requirements DO depend strongly on this parameter.
Ntheta = 11
NthetaMinFactor = 0.7
NthetaMaxFactor = 1.3
NthetaNumRuns = 3

! Number of grid points in the toroidal direction
! (per identical segment of the stellarator.)
! Memory and time requirements DO depend strongly on this parameter.
Nzeta = 11
NzetaMinFactor = 0.7
NzetaMaxFactor = 1.3
NzetaNumRuns = 3

! Number of Legendre polynomials used to represent the distribution function.
! Memory and time requirements DO depend strongly on this parameter.
! The value of this parameter required for convergence depends strongly on
! the collisionality. At high collisionality, this parameter can be as low
! as ~ 5. At low collisionality, this parameter may need to be many 10s or
! even > 100 for convergence.
Nxi = 5
NxiMinFactor = 0.8
NxiMaxFactor = 1.2
NxiNumRuns = 3

! Number of Legendre polynomials used to represent the Rosenbluth
! potentials. Except in exceptional circumstances, this number should be 4.
! Memory and time requirements do NOT depend strongly on this parameter.
NL = 4
NLMinFactor = 0.5
NLMaxFactor = 1.5
NLNumRuns = 3

! Number of grid points in energy used to represent the distribution function.
! Memory and time requirements DO depend strongly on this parameter.
! This parameter almost always needs to be at least 5.
! Usually a value in the range 5-8 is plenty for convergence, though sometimes
! you may need to go up to 10-15.
Nx = 5
NxMinFactor = 0.8
NxMaxFactor = 1.2
NxNumRuns = 3

! Number of grid points in energy used to represent the Rosenbluth potentials.
! Memory and time requirements do NOT depend strongly on this parameter.
NxPotentialsPerVth = 40.0
NxPotentialsPerVthMinFactor = 0.5
NxPotentialsPerVthMaxFactor = 2
NxPotentialsPerVthNumRuns = 3

! Maximum normalized speed for the Rosenbluth potential grid.
! Memory and time requirements do NOT depend strongly on this parameter.
! Typically a value of 5 is good.
xMax = 5.0
xMaxMinFactor = 0.8
xMaxMaxFactor = 1.4
xMaxNumRuns = 3

! Tolerance used to define convergence of the Krylov solver.
! This parameter does not affect memory requirements but it does affect the
! time required for solution somewhat
solverTolerance = 1.0e-06
solverToleranceMinFactor = 1.0e-01
solverToleranceMaxFactor = 1.0e01
solverToleranceNumRuns = 3

forceOddNthetaAndNzeta = .true.
! If forceOddNthetaAndNzeta is set to true, 1 is added to Ntheta any time a run is attempted with even Ntheta,
! and 1 is added to Nzeta any time a run is attempted with even Nzeta.
! This can be useful because the iterative solvers sometimes do not work with even Ntheta or Nzeta.
! This parameter should be true unless you know what you are doing.

! Other numerical parameters:

thetaDerivativeScheme = 2
! Options for thetaDerivativeScheme:
! 0 = Spectral collocation
! 1 = 2nd order finite differences (3-point stencil)
! 2 = 4th order finite differences (5-point stencil)
! You should set this parameter to 2 except in rare circumstances.

! If 'useIterativeSolver' is set to false, a sparse direct solver
! will be used. The direct solver is faster for small problems and always yields a solution.
! For large problems, the iterative solver will usually be faster and will use much
! less memory, but it may not always converge.

useIterativeSolver = .true.
! useIterativeSolver = .false.

whichParallelSolverToFactorPreconditioner = 2
! Options for whichParallelSolverToFactorPreconditioner:
! 1 = use mumps if it is detected, otherwise use superlu_dist
! 2 = force use of superlu_dist, if it is available
! The value of whichParallelSolverToFactorPreconditioner is only used when morpheus is run with
! more MPI processors than runs desired (1 if a single run, or more if a convergence scan.)
! Otherwise, matrices are not distributed across processors, so the PETSc built-in serial sparse
! direct solver is used to factor the preconditioner.

PETSCPreallocationStrategy = 1
! This setting changes the estimated number of nonzeros (nnz) used for allocating memory for the matrix and preconditioner.
! 0 = Old method with high estimated nnz. This method works consistently but uses WAY more memory than necessary.
! 1 = New method with lower, more precise estimated nnz. This method has been less thoroughly tested, but it should use much less memory.

! Settings for how to simplify the linear system
! to obtain the preconditioner:

preconditioner_species = 1
! 0 = keep full species coupling
! 1 = drop all cross-species coupling

preconditioner_x = 1
! 0 = keep full x coupling
! 1 = drop everything off-diagonal in x
! 2 = keep only upper-triangular part in x
! 3 = keep only the tridiagonal terms in x
! 4 = keep only the diagonal and superdiagonal in x

preconditioner_x_min_L = 1
! The x structure of the matrix will only be simplified for L >= this value.
! Set preconditioner_x_min_L=0 to simplify the matrix for every L.

preconditioner_theta = 0
! 0 = keep full theta coupling
! 1 = use a 3-point finite difference stencil for d/dtheta

preconditioner_zeta = 0
! 0 = keep full zeta coupling
! 1 = use a 3-point finite difference stencil for d/dzeta

preconditioner_xi = 0
! 0 = keep full xi coupling
! 1 = drop terms that are +/- 2 from the diagonal in xi,
! so preconditioner is tridiagonal in xi


Thanks Matt! Seems to be working now.
Indeed I was not using the ruby script and running with only a few number of processes.
