
Show correct planet image based on planet type

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TODO: The correct image for the planet needs to be shown in the following locations:

  • Galaxy page
  • Planet list in right sidebar
  • Planet abandon/rename popup (button on overview page)
  • Empire page (does not exist yet)
  • Note: PR #194 added more images which resulted in some duplicates. Check which version is the best to use and delete any duplicates.

A planet is always one of these types:

  1. dry
  2. desert
  3. normal
  4. jungle
  5. water
  6. ice
  7. gas

See PlanetService::getPlanetType() for how the planet type is determined.

The [planet type] + [planet position in galaxy:system] makes up the unique "image". E.g. planet 1:1:15 with type "dry" would be "dry_15".

Images are stored in /public/img/planets. Note: not all images have been added to this folder yet. Any missing images will need to be retrieved and stored in the correct folder.

matching system of ogame to display planet by type: