
functions return age in days when tutorial says to use months

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Let's use months. I might change the underlying db format because in all of our use cases I've seen days converted to months.

True. Although working with the original "3;4" age encodings is the underlying problem I suppose. I'll keep age in days in the db. As for the interface, do you think users should be searching by days or months? They'll be doing things like 18*30 or 18*30.5, which also seems undesirable

I think in the interface we still want to use months. not sure what the right choice is on the backend. We could have a month column as well. That's redundant, but maybe clear?

Yeah. Another thought is to just always convert days to months when returning data to the user

ok, consensus - days on the backend, months on the frontend. make sure to use the correct conversion (including leap years but not on the 100 year etc.)