
get_participants return value for "child" param not expected

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I'm not really expecting all participants related to a child to be returned when I enter a name for the child param (but that is the case). Also, I can't search for a child that shares a name with other children (e.g. "Adam") - I get this error: Duplicate or missing child

I think both of these behaviors were intentional choices. The thought was that the function is supposed to give you back everyone who interacts with that child. And if you put in "Adam" but there are multiple Adams, that's probably something you didn't realize and we should tell you. To get that child, you need a corpus as well.

But maybe this isn't the right behavior?

Right, that makes sense (and is the case for other functions as well). There should definitely be some behavior somewhere that allows you to get all participants who interact with a given child. I'm just thinking that when I run get_tokens(child="Shem", token="run"), do I expect to get "run" tokens from just that child or all participants connected to that child? The way the function is written, I think I expect the former, but this could maybe be cleared up with documentation.

what about all_participants argument? then it could be TRUE by default to return parent tokens as well?

we could add get_child_tokens which aliases get_tokens(..., all_participants = FALSE) - is this too heavy weight?

get_tokens should have target_child rather than child as argument.

consensus is yes on all these changes

I renamed child to target_child in all the relevant functions, which makes clearer what they're returning. The all_participants argument doesn't really make sense because it would be redundant with role and role_exclude.