
OSFR automated dataset downloads buggy

Closed this issue · 1 comments

We currently have no reliable way to trigger dataset downloads from R code, as OSFR seems to be broken to some extent and development has not been active for 2 years.
This issue is a main example, but the underlying bugs in OSFR seem to affect the download function as well.
I tried to create a bandaid solution to at least fix the top-level problem of OSFR not finding the datasets, but even then, some issues persist further down with singular files being missed.

As these problems lie with the R package and not the OSF API itself, we could create our own download function. The recursive parsing of nested folders is a bit annoying, but doable. Having this functionality in the future would be useful in creating a more automated import pipeline.

Fixed it by writing a download function that does not rely on OSFR. Now all datasets download correctly. There might be rare connection related problems when downloading, but rerunning the download command has fixed the single instance that I encountered so far.