
The package to access the data in peekbank from R

Primary LanguageR


An R interface to peekbank

The peekbankr package allows you to access data in peekbank from R. This removes the need to write complex SQL queries in order to get the information you want from the database. The package vignette provides some examples of how to use the data loading functions and what the resulting data look like.

Install peekbankr from GitHub:

# install.packages("remotes")

Local Installation from Source

When developing, you can run:

install.packages(".", repos = NULL, type="source", dependencies=TRUE)

If it fails to install the RMariaDB dependency automatically, you can manually trigger the installation using


After making changes, be sure to run


to update exports and documentation.


Here's a simple workflow for using peekbankr to get data from a single study.


aoi_timepoints <- get_aoi_timepoints(dataset_name = "pomper_saffran_2016")
administrations <- get_administrations(dataset_name = "pomper_saffran_2016")

ps_data <- aoi_timepoints %>%

Data Codebook

For an overview of the individual columns in each dataset, see the following codebook: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vR4AiOkIzIMbb2C9ksCpu6aWqYaIEiA72voek4y_05y9eY9J6XS5tLhnHZ5xnDk9LxKihicd0gN9BZY/pubhtml

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