
demographic opt out - related to Issue #426

vmarchman opened this issue · 6 comments

If a researcher has purchased the forms from Brookes (English/Spanish WG and WS, English/Spanish CAT), they an opt out of broader sharing (issue #426) but then ALSO then choose to omit the demographic questionnaire (EXCEPT for DOB, child SEX, and (possibly) "who is filling out this form".)

This option would be available ONLY for those folks who choose not to share their data at the Study level. This option would need to be clearly visible BUT grayed out and with some kind of warning that says “this option only available for premium users who have opted out”.

@vmarchman Does this mean they can choose to not share demographic information, but would share the remaining data, or does this mean they don't need to collect the data?

@vmarchman Deployed to dev and ready to test

That looks great! Wonderful!

one thing @HenryMehta We should add to the demographic questions the prematurity questions. Otherwise, they won't be able to do the corrected scoring by age to compare.....Or, can we toggle that question on and off?

@vmarchman added prematurity questions and deploying now - toggle is difficult and I'm now beginning to worry about time because of the other items being bigger than I thought

Not toggling is fine