
InfrastructureModels Conventions Maintenance

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  • update to PowerModels v0.14
  • drop Manifest.toml from git and add to .gitignore
  • add "ResultCount" check in build_solution, otherwise JuMP.value() can fail (see PowerModels fix, lanl-ansi/PowerModels.jl@b80f4fe)
  • remove JuMP.optimize!, and merge code into optimize_model!
  • in optimize_model! make optimizer an optional kwarg (see, lanl-ansi/PowerModels.jl@8a8c9c0)
  • update core function names, build_model -> instantiate_model; build_solution -> build_result
  • update post_* functions to build_*
  • follow problem naming convention post_(mn_)<prob name>(_<variant>)*