
recon2d errors for 0 elements

millerta opened this issue · 2 comments

recon2d does not exit gracefully for 0 elements and creates strange epsilon values

 33         epsilon REAL     scalar          scalar const perma   l  1.000E-15
 34        epsilonl REAL     scalar          scalar const perma   l  7.692+137
 35        epsilona REAL     scalar          scalar const perma   l  2.665+288
 36        epsilonv REAL     scalar          scalar const perma   l   Infinity

Added check and early exit for 0 elements, epsilon values are still being set to bad values.
Need to figure out where that is happening and fix it.

recon is used to call the recon2d and other routines. It also uses setsize to assign epsilon values.
For a 0 element mesh the eps values are junk. Added check for 0 elements and exit.
This avoids bad values assigned to the epsilons.
Note there will be a general error msg from control_command_lg due to ierror = -1
Now the output for 0 elements will look like:


WARNING Recon Early Exit: 0 elements

RECON: done.
error in command : recon/0