
Compiler issues

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I have downloaded and attempted to install Voronoi and required dependencies. I have noted a couple of minor things and then issues that have resulted in failure to compile Voronoi.

  1. As of this writing, the build page ( returns a 404 error. I received build instructions separately.
  2. It would be helpful for said build page to include instructions on installing HDF5; the instructions for petsc are great.

The error that causes the actual crash is:

                      grid%vertex_ids(i) - 1, zero, INSERT_VALUES, ierr); i

Error: Type mismatch in argument 'va' at (1); passed INTEGER(4) to REAL(8)

Update. Have found issue here and solution.

The line of grid.F90 is a call:

     call MatSetValue(grid%adjmatrix_full, grid%vertex_ids(i) - 1, &
                      grid%vertex_ids(i) - 1, zero, INSERT_VALUES, ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)

where zero is set as PetscInt zero = 0

However, MatSetValue under PETSC asks for:

  m - the matrix
  row - the row location of the entry
  col - the column location of the entry
  value - the value to insert
  mode - either INSERT_VALUES or ADD_VALUES

where "value" expects a real.

The solution in this case was simply to adjust line 1898 of grid.F90 to instead:

     call MatSetValue(grid%adjmatrix_full, grid%vertex_ids(i) - 1, &
                      grid%vertex_ids(i) - 1, 0.d0, INSERT_VALUES, ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)