
Implement user-defined wait timer or detect throttling from github

tbennett6421 opened this issue · 1 comments

[recon-ng][default] > modules load recon/repositories-vulnerabilities/github_dorks
[recon-ng][default][github_dorks] > run
[*] Searching Github for: repo:megacorpone/git-test extension:pem private
[*] Searching Github for: repo:megacorpone/git-test extension:conf FTP server configuration
[*] Searching Github for: repo:megacorpone/git-test extension:xls mail
[*] Searching Github for: repo:megacorpone/git-test extension:sql mysql dump
[*] Searching Github for: repo:megacorpone/git-test stars:>1000 forks:>100 extension:php "eval(preg_replace("
[*] Searching Github for: repo:megacorpone/git-test
[*] Searching Github for: repo:megacorpone/git-test define("DB_PASSWORD"
[*] Searching Github for: repo:megacorpone/git-test extension:php mysql_query $_GET
[*] Searching Github for: repo:megacorpone/git-test filename:secret_token.rb config
[!] Message from Github: You have exceeded a secondary rate limit. Please wait a few minutes before you try again.
[*] Searching Github for: repo:megacorpone/git-test language:ruby secret_token
[!] Message from Github: You have exceeded a secondary rate limit. Please wait a few minutes before you try again.
[*] Searching Github for: repo:megacorpone/git-test extension:py flask render_template_string
[!] Message from Github: You have exceeded a secondary rate limit. Please wait a few minutes before you try again.
[*] Searching Github for: repo:megacorpone/git-test e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e
[!] Message from Github: You have exceeded a secondary rate limit. Please wait a few minutes before you try again.
[*] Searching Github for: repo:megacorpone/git-test path:.ssh/id_rsa BEGIN
[!] Message from Github: You have exceeded a secondary rate limit. Please wait a few minutes before you try again.

[*] Searching Github for: repo:megacorpone/ extension:pem private
[!] Message from Github: You have exceeded a secondary rate limit. Please wait a few minutes before you try again.
[*] Searching Github for: repo:megacorpone/ extension:conf FTP server configuration
[!] Message from Github: You have exceeded a secondary rate limit. Please wait a few minutes before you try again.
[*] Searching Github for: repo:megacorpone/ extension:xls mail
[!] Message from Github: You have exceeded a secondary rate limit. Please wait a few minutes before you try again.
[*] Searching Github for: repo:megacorpone/ extension:sql mysql dump
[recon-ng][default][github_dorks] > info

      Name: Github Dork Analyzer
    Author: Tim Tomes (@lanmaster53)
   Version: 1.0
      Keys: github_api

  Uses the Github API to search for possible vulnerabilites in source code by leveraging Github Dorks
  and the 'repo' search operator. Updates the 'vulnerabilities' table with the results.

  Name    Current Value                          Required  Description
  ------  -------------                          --------  -----------
  DORKS   /root/.recon-ng/data/github_dorks.txt  yes       file containing a list of Github dorks
  SOURCE  default                                yes       source of input (see 'info' for details)

Source Options:
  default        SELECT DISTINCT owner || '/' || name FROM repositories WHERE name IS NOT NULL AND resource LIKE 'Github' AND category LIKE 'repo'
  <string>       string representing a single input
  <path>         path to a file containing a list of inputs
  query <sql>    database query returning one column of inputs

Ideal solutions include detecting throttling and implementing exponential back-off timers. Alternatively adding a Option to set a wait timer to delay subsequent calls to avoid throttling would work as well.

Never contributed to recon-ng before, but I may look at adding a PR for it.