
profiler not working

chla9lo opened this issue · 3 comments

[!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-3 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'hugging_face', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': '', 'm_string': "Sorry, we can't find the page you are looking for.", 'm_code': 404, 'known': ['hack', 'dev'], 'cat': 'tech'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-5 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'Iconfinder', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': 'iconsets', 'm_string': 'Page not found', 'm_code': 404, 'known': ['roundicons', 'iconfinder'], 'cat': 'images'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-10 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'icq-chat', 'uri_check': '{account}/', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': 'ICQ chat', 'm_string': 'Oops! We ran into some problems', 'm_code': 404, 'known': ['brookenora.54', 'bigdaddy.77'], 'cat': 'social'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-9 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'IFTTT', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': 'Joined', 'm_string': 'The requested page or file does not exist', 'm_code': 404, 'known': ['nr9992', 'sss90'], 'cat': 'misc'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-2 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'ifunny', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': 'subscribers', 'm_string': '404 - page not found', 'm_code': 404, 'known': ['hacker', 'john'], 'cat': 'misc'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-1 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'igromania', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': 'Форум Игромании - Просмотр профиля:', 'm_string': 'Пользователь не зарегистрирован и не имеет профиля для просмотра.', 'm_code': 200, 'known': ['bob', 'blue'], 'cat': 'social'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-4 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'ilovegrowingmarijuana', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': '<title> Profile - ', 'm_string': 'Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private', 'm_code': 404, 'known': ['ILGM.Stacy', 'Mosaicmind9x'], 'cat': 'social'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-8 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'imagefap', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': 's Profile', 'm_string': 'Invalid uid', 'm_code': 200, 'known': ['lover03', 'SecretSide15'], 'cat': 'xx NSFW xx'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-6 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'ImageShack', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': 's Images</title>', 'm_string': '', 'm_code': 302, 'known': ['test'], 'cat': 'images'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-7 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'iMGSRC.RU', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': 'Присоединился', 'm_string': '', 'm_code': 302, 'known': ['natalisn', 'andydiamond', 'natalyck'], 'cat': 'images'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-3 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'imgur', 'uri_check': '{account}?client_id=546c25a59c58ad7&include=trophies%2Cmedallions', 'uri_pretty': '{account}/about', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': 'created_at', 'm_string': 'unable to find account', 'm_code': 404, 'known': ['OliverClothesoff70', 'DadOnTheInternet'], 'cat': 'images'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-5 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'inaturalist', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': 's Profile', 'm_string': '404 Not Found', 'm_code': 404, 'known': ['greg', 'tom'], 'cat': 'hobby'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-10 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'Independent academia', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': '-', 'm_string': '', 'm_code': 404, 'known': ['peter', 'LiamM'], 'cat': 'hobby'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-9 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'InkBunny', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': 'Profile | Inkbunny, the Furry Art Community</title>', 'm_string': '<title>Members | Inkbunny, the Furry Art Community</title>', 'm_code': 302, 'known': ['AdminBunny', 'test'], 'cat': 'xx NSFW xx'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-2 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'InsaneJournal', 'uri_check': 'https://{account}', 'strip_bad_char': '.', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': 'User:', 'm_string': 'The requested URL /profile was not found on this server', 'm_code': 200, 'known': ['test', 'pint-sized', 'acroamatica'], 'cat': 'social'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-1 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'Instagram', 'uri_pretty': '{account}', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': 'Instagram profile with posts and stories', 'm_string': 'Nothing found!', 'm_code': 404, 'known': ['katyperry', 'kirbstr'], 'cat': 'social'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-4 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'Instagram_archives', 'uri_check': '{account}/', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': '"archived_snapshots": {"closest"', 'm_string': '"archived_snapshots": {}}', 'm_code': 200, 'known': ['zuck', 'jack'], 'cat': 'social'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-8 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'instructables', 'uri_check': '{account}/', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': '>Joined', 'm_string': '', 'm_code': 404, 'known': ['davidandora', 'test'], 'cat': 'hobby'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-6 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'Internet Archive Account', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': '<title>User Account', 'm_string': '<title>cannot find account', 'm_code': 200, 'known': ['webbreacher', 'jason_scott'], 'cat': 'misc'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-7 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'Internet Archive User Search', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': '<!--/.item-ia-->', 'm_string': '', 'm_code': 200, 'known': ['test', 'mubix'], 'cat': 'misc'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-3 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'interpals', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': 'Looking for', 'm_string': 'User not found', 'm_code': 200, 'known': ['test'], 'cat': 'dating'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-5 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'isMyGirl', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'uri_pretty': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': 'display_name', 'm_code': 404, 'm_string': 'User does not exist', 'known': ['kasumineechan', 'blinky'], 'cat': 'finance'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-10 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'issuu', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': '- Issuu', 'm_string': 'Oops — we can’t seem to find the page you’re looking for.', 'm_code': 404, 'known': ['john', 'smith'], 'cat': 'shopping'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-9 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': '', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': 'A member registered', 'm_code': 404, 'm_string': "We couldn't find your page", 'known': ['prestent', 'finch'], 'cat': 'gaming'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-2 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'Japandict', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': 'modern browser', 'm_code': 404, 'm_string': 'The page you requested could not be found.', 'known': ['Yan', 'Happy'], 'cat': 'social'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-1 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': '', 'uri_check': ',{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': 'Profil użytkownika', 'm_string': 'Niepoprawny login', 'm_code': 200, 'known': ['kowal', 'janek'], 'cat': 'misc'}). [!] 'valid' (thread=Thread-4 (_thread_wrapper), object={'name': 'JBZD', 'uri_check': '{account}', 'e_code': 200, 'e_string': 'Dzidy użytkownika', 'm_string': 'Błąd 404', 'm_code': 404, 'known': ['test', 'janek'], 'cat': 'images'}).

Same Issue here

I fixed it, please review it if you have time.
