
Pretrained Models (on ImageNet) EfficientNet-v2 link not good

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi thanks for sharing this repo
I try to load the EfficientNet-v2 ImageNet weights
but there is no net or model in the file

Hi @mbenami, thanks for asking the question. You could try the script below to download the Efficientnet-v2 ImageNet weight


And if you want to load it, you should change 2 lines in either "efficientnetv2_market.yaml" or "efficientnetv2_cuhk.yaml" to:

pretrain_path: ""
pretrain_choice: "imagenet"

I suggest that you should follow the instructions in the notebook i attached in README. If you come up with any errors or issues, please reach out to me soon. Thank you!

Hi @lannguyen0910
thanks for the quick response
still when I try to load the weight I get an error

load weights



ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'nets'

you can also see there is not weights in the file :

Hi @mbenami, have you tried changing 2 lines in the yaml file and run it? If you follow the instructions in the colab notebook, you shouldn't get any errors in loading the weight, although some gdown lines are inaccessible now but you can still download the market1501 dataset and weight.

If you didn't run the notebook, can i ask where is the specific file you placetorch.load("") line? Because the code itself doesn't have that line, you can take a look at line 153 and 201 in nets/ for more information.

Besides, when i click in the weight link, i can still download the weight, here are some images:

