
add_mesh problem!

TrepangCat opened this issue · 2 comments

When I use add_mesh() many times with tag='train/mesh', I can't click the blue bar to change the mesh shown on the page.

lanpa commented

Hi, do you have any small reproducible code for the issue?

For example

from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter
import numpy as np
import time
import utils

vox = utils.load_binvox('/media/brl/dataDisk/WangRuowei/3d_2021/gan3d-wrw/data_sample/ShapeNetCore.v2/'
box = vox.as_boxes(colors=(255, 165, 0, 128))
vertices = box.vertices
vertices = np.array(vertices).reshape([1, vertices.shape[0], vertices.shape[1]])
faces = box.faces
faces = np.array(faces).reshape([1, faces.shape[0], faces.shape[1]])

config_dict = {
'camera': {'cls': 'PerspectiveCamera', 'fov': 75},
'lights': [
'cls': 'AmbientLight',
'color': '#ffffff',
'intensity': 0.5,
'cls': 'DirectionalLight',
'color': '#7cfc00',
'intensity': 1,
'position': [1.5, 3, 2.5],
'cls': 'DirectionalLight',
'color': '#7cfc00',
'intensity': 1,
'position': [-1.5, -3, -2.5],
'material': {
'cls': 'MeshStandardMaterial',
'roughness': 0.5,
'metalness': 0,
'flatShading': True
# 'wireframe': True,

writer = SummaryWriter(logdir='./example')

writer.add_mesh(tag='test', vertices=vertices, faces=faces, config_dict=config_dict, global_step=1)
writer.add_mesh(tag='test', vertices=vertices, faces=faces, config_dict=config_dict, global_step=2)


When you use add_mesh() at least twice, the blue bar doesn't work after rotating the mesh with the mouse.
I mean that it is unable to click the blue bar after rotating the mesh with the mouse.
You can change the box in the code to other meshes. I think the problem is reproducible.