
Quick documentation fix that will prevent people from hitting a wall in the first try

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello @laosb , thank you very much for updating this storage integration. Something that's probably "biting" everyone that tries out this library is this line:

cp -r ./node_modules/ghos3 ./content/adapters/storage/s3

That line should be:

cp -r ./node_modules/ghos3/* ./content/adapters/storage/s3

Because otherwise we end up with ./content/adapters/storage/s3/ghos3/index.js and that is what's making the error: but errored during boot with: Unable to find storage adapter s3 in.

This is wrong in the original package as well.

laosb commented

Oh, that's totally my fault of not checking the command🙈

Would you like to submit a PR for this doc change?